
stay alive

Design, Webflow
Representative website
First Aid courses
live website
live website
Stay Alive 2.0 project screenshot
                Since I finished website for Stay Alive, the idea of using the parallax effect together with the mountains and the blue sky has been stuck in my head. The original site serves as an information site, so I came up with version 2.0 only with a major emphasis on animations and a demonstration of the more advanced transitions that can be achieved in Webflow.
Stay Alive 2.0 project screenshotStay Alive 2.0 project screenshot
Stay Alive 2.0 project screenshotStay Alive 2.0 project screenshot
                “ Stay Alive 2.0 featuring some very engaging parallax and horizontal scroll designs. What’s especially captivating is the separate scroll speed for the background and foreground mountain images, creating a sensation of being right there in the scene. Additionally, the horizontal scroll section skillfuly weaves a storytelling experience ."
Top Webflow Sites of the Week
ClientCatalyst, Australia
Stay Alive 2.0 project screenshotStay Alive 2.0 project screenshot
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